Sunday, January 17, 2010

Seven Steps

Seven Steps to a situation I would have taken care of differently.

Situation: About three years ago my eldest cousin turned thirty. She is very age sensitive, very. She is also a comedian. Being the genuis that I am, I decided to buy her a gag gift. Not a smart idea on my part. I bought her an over-the-hill card, with a tombstone on the cover, and an anti aging kit filled with anti aging materials, such as skin creams and a denture kit. Needless to say she did not find my gift funny, which I found rude. I thought that since she liked to joke about her age, and everything else under the sun, she wouldn't mind if I did. She didn't speak to me for two weeks.
I should have done things different, and here's what I should have done:

Step 1:
I was communicating the love I have fo rmy cousin by celebrating her birthday with a gift. I wanted to acheive putting a smile on her face. Instead of giving her a complete gag gift, I should have onoly given her the card, along with a real gift. It never occured to me that she'd be that mad, but I should have known since she never tells anyone her age.

Step 2:
My cousin more than likely,expected a heart felt gift from me. I should have asked her how she felt about her age and what she would have liked for her birthday.

step 3:
I should have never given her a gift as the one I did, in front of everyone she knew. I should've known that she wouldn't have taken so well to getting a gift of that caliber in front of her boyfriend, at the time. I should have anticipated the attendance of her boyfriend as well.

Step 4:
I should've asked her for a list of things she might have wanted for her birthday. Also, I should have considered her apprehension she alwasy has when it comes to her age.

Both gifts together was a bad idea. I should've never given her both gifts without thinking about when, where, and how she would feel about the gifts.

Step 6:
I could have goven the gift to her by first telling her that it was a gag gift and second, by having a back up or true gift.

step 7:
I should've considered how I would have felt receiving such a gift. Also I should have asked my mom or my aunt how they would feel getting such a gift.

All together I could have handled my cousin's birhtday a lot better. I am just thankful however, that she speaks to me again and I will never make this mistake again.

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